Best Pilates in Broward
Pilates with Pat is the best Pilates studio in South Broward. Conveniently located near 595 making it convenient for all Sunrise, Davie, and Plantation residents. Pilates Design provides top notch instruction from its renowned instructor Pat. Further, Pilates Design is perfect for beginners and students of all levels. Click on the read more button below, and the about us tab above, to find out why Pilates Designs manages to provide the best Pilates experience.
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Whether you live in Plantation, Davie, Weston, Sunrise or anywhere in South Florida you will find Pilates Design’s location extremely accessible and your results life changing! Scroll through our pages and get to know why Pilates Design is the best Pilates Studio in South Florida. When you are ready, Click on the Sign up tab and enroll in one of our classes. You won't regret it!

The best pilates studio in South Florida
Why Pilates with Pat is Simply the Best...
•Renowned instructor Pat has completed her Pilate’s certification with apprenticeship from those who practiced directly under Joseph H. Pilates – completing over 1000 hours of apprenticeship training and taking and passing every examination to complete her certification and has a background in professional classical dance as well as gymnastics and personal training.
•Pilates Design has a successful track record with clients of all sizes, genders and ages, to get them mentally, physically and emotionally fit.
•Pilates Design is a studio full of positive energy, clean and the perfect atmosphere for new clients, the tough guy, and the daily active person.
•Pilates here compares to no other for we have a plethora of knowledge and experience in the field and provides everyone with proper attention, critique and personal attention to encourage all to challenge and push it to the max.
•Pilates Design instructors continues to improve their professional skills by taking annual continuing education courses to maintain her certification and gain new idea.